Transforming Aviation Maintenance with AI-Powered eJobCard

In the ever-evolving world of aviation maintenance, innovation is key to maintaining safety, efficiency, and reliability.

At Fingermind, we are at the forefront of this innovation, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into our eJobCard solution to revolutionize the way maintenance operations are managed and executed.


The Power of AI in eJobCard

From the outset, Fingermind recognized the immense potential of AI to enhance the eJobCard experience.

One of the most significant benefits of incorporating AI is its ability to predict and evaluate the execution times of maintenance tasks accurately.

Enhancing Task Forecasting and Resource Allocation

A large number of tasks are executed in a repetitive manner and are well known by the operators. However, a number of tasks are rarely executed or have never been executed before by the operators.

Meaning that, while many maintenance tasks are routine and well-known to operators, some are infrequent or entirely new, posing challenges in terms of time estimation and resource allocation. This is where AI steps in.

Our advanced AI models analyze the complexity, structure, and semantics of various tasks, allowing the eJobCard solution to detect similarities between different operations.

Accurate Time and Resource Predictions

By leveraging AI, Fingermind’s eJobCard can forecast execution times (man hours) and necessary resources with high accuracy.

This capability not only helps operators plan more effectively but also ensures that maintenance operations are carried out efficiently and with minimal disruption.

Proven Results and Ongoing Innovation

The implementation of AI technologies within our eJobCard solution has yielded extremely promising results.

The data provided by these AI models is both relevant and accurate, enhancing the overall maintenance process. Operators can rely on these insights to make informed decisions, improving productivity and safety standards.


READ ALSO: eJobCard, the game-changer of the aeronautics industry


Experience the Future at Eurosatory 2024

Curious to see these revolutionary capabilities in action? Join us at Eurosatory 2024 in Villepinte, Paris, from June 17-21.

Fingermind will be showcasing our AI-enhanced eJobCard solution, demonstrating how this advanced technology can transform your aviation maintenance operations.

Visit us at Booth BC127 – Hall 5B

Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with our experts, experience live demonstrations, and explore how Fingermind’s innovations can elevate your maintenance processes. Book your exclusive appointment with us today to ensure dedicated time with our team.


AI integration in eJobCard marks a significant leap forward in aviation maintenance, offering unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.

At Fingermind, we are committed to driving innovation and supporting operators with cutting-edge solutions.

Visit us at Eurosatory 2024 to discover how our AI-powered eJobCard can revolutionize your maintenance operations.

Book a meeting with our experts today

and experience firsthand how Fingermind’s innovations can elevate your maintenance processes.

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with us at Booth BC127 – Hall 5B

eJobCard, the game-changer of the aviation industry


In our relentless pursuit of enhancing efficiency and productivity in Aircraft Maintenance, backed by decades of experience, we developed something truly remarkable: the eJobCard

This digital tracking system allows for a quick overview of ongoing, pending, and completed tasks, streamlining the workflow and enhancing productivity across multiple maintenance locations and time-zones.

Job Card vs eJobCard


In the aviation industry, job cards are essential documents used to guide and record maintenance activities on aircraft. These documents are a critical component of the aircraft’s maintenance records, ensuring that maintenance tasks are performed according to the specified standards and regulations.

eJobCard, or electronic job card, represent a digital evolution in the management of maintenance tasks within various industries, including aviation.

They serve the same fundamental purposes as a traditional paper-based job card – guiding technicians through maintenance procedures, ensuring compliance with regulations, and recording maintenance activities – but with added benefits afforded by digital technology.

The transition to eJobCard is part of a broader move towards digitalization aimed at enhancing safety, efficiency, and compliance. The ability to integrate with other digital tools and systems, such as electronic maintenance logs, inventory systems, and scheduling tools, makes eJobCard a powerful component in modern maintenance operations.


Our firsthand experience with the eJobCard has been nothing short of transformative. Its intuitive interface streamlines workflows, significantly reduces paperwork, and ensures seamless communication and collaboration among team members.


Key Features that make the eJobCard a Game-Changer

Hassle-free Task Tracking

eJobCard enables technicians and managers to easily track the status of maintenance tasks without the need to sift through piles of paper or manual logs.

This digital tracking system allows for a quick overview of ongoing, pending, and completed tasks, streamlining the workflow and enhancing productivity.

Seamless Access

eJobCard is designed to be functional in online modes. However, technicians may access and update task information in the field, regardless of internet connectivity.

Once a connection is re-established, the updates are synchronized with the central system, ensuring continuity and accuracy of information.

Secure E-Signature Capability for Online Verification

The integration of secure e-signature technology allows for instant verification and approval of tasks.

This digital sign-off process not only speeds up the workflow but also ensures that each step is authenticated, enhancing the reliability and integrity of maintenance records.

Enhanced Project Timelines Management

With eJobCard, project timelines can be managed more effectively.

Our digital platform provides tools for scheduling, deadline reminders, and progress tracking, helping to ensure that maintenance projects are completed on time and within budget.

Smarter Resource Allocation

eJobCard facilitates smarter allocation of resources, including manpower, tools, and materials.

By providing real-time visibility into task requirements and progress, managers can make informed decisions on resource distribution, optimizing efficiency and reducing wastage.

Embrace a Sustainable, Paperless Approach

Moving to eJobCard supports environmental sustainability by eliminating the need for paper-based records.

This not only reduces waste but also contributes to a cleaner, more organized work environment, aligning with broader corporate social responsibility goals.

Real-Time Updates Accessible to Everyone Involved

eJobCard ensures that real-time updates are accessible to all stakeholders, including technicians, managers, and even clients.

This transparency improves communication, facilitates quicker decision-making, and enhances overall project coordination and satisfaction.


eJobCard and AI

The integration of AI and different models into Fingermind’s eJobCard, offer a comprehensive range of information and features to optimize the execution and allocation of tasks based on pre-defined business rules.

  • Predicted execution time: The system can accurately estimate the time needed for each task listed in a job card. This helps to plan resources and deadlines more realistically.
  • Anomaly identification: AI can analyze data in real-time and detect anomalies in the execution of tasks. For example, it can spot deviations from predefined metrics.
  • Task Optimization: By analyzing past performance and forecasting the resources needed for each task, the system can help optimize the order in which tasks are performed and the allocation of resources to maximize overall efficiency.
  • Resource allocation: Based on execution time estimates and task priorities, AI can recommend the optimal allocation of human and material resources for each eJobCard.


By combining AI with the features of the eJobCard, organizations can improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver higher quality results in the execution of their projects.


Do you want to discover more about
the advantages of our eJobCard?



Download our comprehensive data sheet now!






Fingermind selected by Innov-up Leader PIA4

A Promising Future for Innovative SMEs and ETIs in Île-de-France

Celebrating Innovation: 89 winning companies announced in the 4th edition of Innov’up Leader PIA4 call for project


Innov’up Leader PIA4: Supporting Innovation and Development

The Innov’up Leader PIA4 project presentation ceremony held on April 17, 2023, marked a significant milestone for the entrepreneurial landscape of Ile-de-France.

At the event, Marc Guillaume, the Prefect of the Ile-de-France region, Prefect of Paris, and Alexandra Dublanche, Vice President of the Ile-de-France Region, lauded the success of the 89 winning companies selected for the prestigious Innov’up Leader PIA4 call for projects.

Tailored Support for Innovative Enterprises

With the backing of the prefecture of the Ile-de-France region, the prefecture of Paris, the Ile-de-France Region, and Bpifrance, Innov’up empowers small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and intermediate-sized enterprises (ETIs) in their pursuit of innovative projects.

The funding scheme offers financial assistance ranging from €75,000 to €500,000 for research and development initiatives. This comprehensive program guides companies through every stage of the innovation process, from conception to market implementation.

Celebrating Success and Showcasing Innovation

The ceremony provided a platform for the victorious companies to showcase their groundbreaking projects to Marc Guillaume and Alexandra Dublanche.

The diversity and creativity of the winning projects underscored the entrepreneurial spirit thriving in Ile-de-France.

Fingermind’s Groundbreaking MRO Pit Project

Among the distinguished recipients, Fingermind stood out with its innovative MRO Pit (Process Improvement Tools) project focused on aeronautical maintenance. Embracing the concept of Maintenance 4.0, this project harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize processes and enhance operational safety for maintenance operators, including airlines, MROs, private operators, and defense forces.

“These groundbreaking solutions from Fingermind will seamlessly complement their existing product portfolio, driving innovation in the MRO industry”, confirms Fingermind’s CEO Christophe Remy.


France 2030: Fueling Innovation and Re-industrialization

Innov’up Leader PIA4 is a vital component of the France 2030 investment plan, which aims to foster innovation and re-industrialization.

Launched at the end of 2021, this comprehensive plan is committed to driving growth, competitiveness, and innovation among companies in the Paris region while strategically developing regional industries for increased employment opportunities.

The French government and the Ile-de-France Region have jointly pledged to invest €82 million in the program’s regionalized component between 2021 and 2025, with €34 million already committed.

A Bright Future for Innovation in Ile-de-France

The Innov’up Leader PIA4 call for projects has not only provided vital support to innovative companies but has also bolstered the region’s reputation as a hub of innovation and growth.

With ongoing investment and commitment from both the public and private sectors, the future looks promising for the continued development and success of enterprises in Ile-de-France.


Contact us for additional information about Fingermind’s innovative MRO Pit project!

Our team will be delighted to provide further information.

MRO Suite release - new features and interface

Fingermind evolves its MRO Suite to accelerate access to information

To meet its customers’ expectations and accelerate access to all their MRO documentation, Fingermind is once again enhancing its MRO Suite software to make it even more ergonomic and easy to use.

MRO Suite includes a range of innovative solutions to access all essential MRO information locally or from a tablet in a few clicks. It addresses three major challenges for MRO services, aeronautics, and industry: accelerating MRO operations, making them more reliable and reducing intervention costs.


A new interface to speed up data access

The Fingermind team has completely redesigned the MRO Suite user interface and integrated several new features:

  • Two new types of access: by company or directly by ACN (Aircraft registration)
  • Grouping of the different manuals by fleet
  • A new table of contents (TOC)
  • Enterprise SSO authentication

These important updates now make it possible to offer a tool that is more intuitive and easier to use, while meeting the safety requirements of customers, to gain even more time and efficiency in MRO management.


“Fingermind is constantly innovating to adapt to the demands of its customers. In a tense post-COVID economic climate, it is essential for our clients to be able to improve their operational and budgetary efficiency. Facilitating and streamlining access to data was a strong demand and our team quickly developed new tools to meet it,” says Christophe Remy, CEO of Fingermind. 


Fingermind will be present at:

This will be an opportunity for Fingermind’s teams to present the new features of MRO Suite and its numerous modules to the MRO and aeronautics industries: MRO Navigator, MRO Online, MRO Offline, MRO Publisher, MRO Analytics, MRO Paper Jobard & eJobcard and MRO Smart Data Access.

Do you want to experience our new interface and its latest features?

Take advantage of an individual demo on our booth!

Book a demo on MRO Europe 2021
Booth #3080

Book a demo on Dubai AirShow 2021
Booth #760C




Fingermind's MRO Software used on tablet by mecanics

Fingermind unveils new MRO Smart Data Access feature

A new feature for reliable data collection

To meet the needs of MRO services and offer a range of solutions that are fully in line with the challenges of managing maintenance operations in the aeronautical and industrial sectors, Fingermind is enhancing its MRO Suite software.

Fingermind‘s MRO Suite already includes several intuitive and innovative modules that support MRO, aerospace, and industry throughout their maintenance operations. It addresses three major challenges: accelerating MRO operations, making them more reliable and reducing intervention costs.


To meet these challenges, Fingermind has developed today an additional feature: MRO Smart Data Access. This new module integrates an innovative API that allows MRO departments to easily exchange information with third-party applications to better organize maintenance operations, including job cards. MRO Smart Data Access offers instant access to data and avoids tedious and unreliable copy and paste.


Enhancing Fingermind’s MRO Suite

The different modules of the MRO Suite provides local or mobile access via a tablet to all essential MRO information in a few clicks. And the new MRO Smart Data Access module perfectly complements the 6 other modules already available: MRO Navigator, MRO Online, MRO Offline, MRO Publisher, MRO Analytics and MRO Paper Jobard & eJobcard.


This new module, unique on the market, is available now and can be combined with other modules of the MRO Suite. The guarantee to adapt precisely to the needs of MRO services. And a major advantage for any aeronautic players wishing to accelerate their recovery after the pandemic period.


Do you want to test our latest feature with your own data?

Download now the detailed product sheet!